Have you checked out social media lately? Everywhere we look, there are posts, blogs, videos on how to be a better person. Finding peace and harmony, being kind, quotes of the day and photos of Buddha.
If this isn’t a cry for help, I don’t know what is!!!
We have evolved into a high tech, no touch society here in our Western world of luxury. We have lost the basic foundation of what we as humans require most…love & touch.
The most natural, inexpensive thing on the planet that each one of us possess, yet for some reason we don’t seem to be sharing it. Being touched and touching someone else are fundamental modes of human interaction and we are now entering a phase of crisis.
We all feel love for our family and friends but for most of us we could be loving deeper, more fully! Many of us have emotional blockages, insecurities and other psychological struggles that we may deem to be normal and this continues to keep us in a reserved state of outward expression.
We are in a time of extreme vulnerability & the human race is suffering. We are suffering!
Our youth are plagued by anxiety, lack of self worth & feeling incapable. We have raised our children with an electronic device in their hands since they were young enough to hold onto something.
How many times have you gone into a restaurant and found a child playing with their parents cell phone??
We know this time of technology is creating a disconnect, yet we are doing nothing about it. We are doing nothing about it because we ourselves don't have time! We have created a life that is stress induced and filled with material items. Keeping up with appearances and the pressure to provide unimportant things that bring no value to our children seems to be the chosen path. A child who receives ongoing, loving and nurturing demonstration will be an adult who is well adjusted, successful and happy.
I had the honour of becoming friends and working with a young woman from Switzerland during my time in Costa Rica. As our conversation unfolded, we discovered that from the early age of thirteen, her parents stopped hugging and touching her in a loving way. Up until our meeting, she had never given it any thought and believed this to be normal. She then realized that the safety and nurturing of loving touch is what she was craving deep inside.
What was brought to light was an awareness that she had developed issues when she was hugged, touched or even sat beside someone on an airplane and their arms came into contact. She said she felt very uneasy in her body and did not know why.
The lack of fundamental, human connection had affected her on very profound level throughout the years but once we discovered the truth and dove deeper into her childhood to uncover her lack of expressive touch, we were able to work on the nervous system so that we could eliminate this form of trauma from remaining trapped.
It was an ‘a ha’ moment for her but one I have worked with many times.
What must take place is a conscious shift toward our heart centre. To fully love ourselves enough so that we let go of judgement. Judgement from others and judgement toward others as this is a great place to start. To reach out and tell those you love that you love them – they are only words so why are so many of us afraid to use them? It seems that we build rules around love instead of allowing it to simply be a part of us that naturally flows and is at the ready to share.
I understand that many of us were not raised to show affection or express through touch but this commonly creates barriers. Barriers within ourselves of discomfort, unhealthy sexuality, lack of self-esteem & unhealthy relationships.
It is a known fact that if an infant is not held and touched that it will not thrive. The same goes for adults – we must remain connected to the human spirit for it is the driving force in achieving health, happiness, peacefulness and more. In interviews with many violent offenders, it is common to hear them say that they felt unloved and lacked touch as a child. It is also more common for these offenders to be men - now that is an entire blog in itself, for men typically have had much less touch than women because they are meant to be strong, to be the protector, to be the warrior!
Women will gravitate toward their sisterhood - their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, friends and typically will console one another in a supportive, loving manner.
We must also remember that we have generations of conditioning impressed upon us, so for those of us who have difficulty expressing ourselves, we come by it honestly and naturally.
The beauty lies in the fact that we have the ability to make a conscious shift whenever we want.
Working with people from all walks of life, it's incredible to see the transformation take place when when the heart is opened. An awakening is something we should all strive for because it brings us to a newfound state of consciousness where we feel open, released and full!
I leave you with a question....
Have you ever met someone who fully lives in their heart and is sad, angry & aggressive?